CSG is an experienced turnkey systems supplier and will provide the engineering and project management functions needed to ensure timely completion of your project.
Project Management
Coating Systems Group project managers bring a combined 50+ years experience in designing, building and commissioning paint finishing systems in a wide range of industries from automotive to aerospace to appliance components coating.

How do you measure success?
We understand that a successful paint finishing systems project can only result from a partnership between:
You, the end user
Your coating material supplier
Your pretreat chemistry supplier
Your paint system provider
As your turnkey system provider, we will ensure that every important voice is heard - before the paint finishing systems design is set in motion.
Meeting objectives
Success means meeting your entire set of objectives for the finishing systems project - even the ones you may not have recognized yet. For example, the paint finishing systems project must enable you to:
Meet your customer's performance spec's
Optimize coating performance
Maximize product quality with low reject rate
Be durable and reliable
Integrate into the plant process flow
Support your corporate manufacturing philosophy
Minimize direct and maintenance labor
Produce high material efficiencies
Occupy a minimum of floor space
Conform to safety and environmental standards
Give you useful management information feedback
Your success
CSG will ensure you achieve your finishing systems project goals, by combining:
Partnership (The team approach)
Experience (Our painting systems background)
Process Testing (The scientific method)